Emergent Mind

A Hybrid Deep Animation Codec for Low-bitrate Video Conferencing

Published Jul 27, 2022 in cs.MM and eess.IV


Deep generative models, and particularly facial animation schemes, can be used in video conferencing applications to efficiently compress a video through a sparse set of keypoints, without the need to transmit dense motion vectors. While these schemes bring significant coding gains over conventional video codecs at low bitrates, their performance saturates quickly when the available bandwidth increases. In this paper, we propose a layered, hybrid coding scheme to overcome this limitation. Specifically, we extend a codec based on facial animation by adding an auxiliary stream consisting of a very low bitrate version of the video, obtained through a conventional video codec (e.g., HEVC). The animated and auxiliary videos are combined through a novel fusion module. Our results show consistent average BD-Rate gains in excess of -30% on a large dataset of video conferencing sequences, extending the operational range of bitrates of a facial animation codec alone

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