Emergent Mind


In recent years, the high complexity of the business environment, dynamism and environmental change, uncertainty and concepts such as globalization and increasing competition of organizations in the national and international arena have caused many changes in the equations governing the supply chain. In this case, supply chain organizations must always be prepared for a variety of challenges and dynamic environmental changes. One of the effective solutions to face these challenges is to create a resilient supply chain. Resilient supply chain is able to overcome uncertainties and disruptions in the business environment. The competitive advantage of this supply chain does not depend only on low costs, high quality, reduced latency and high level of service. Rather, it has the ability of the chain to avoid catastrophes and overcome critical situations, and this is the resilience of the supply chain. AI and IoT technologies and their combination, called AIoT, have played a key role in improving supply chain performance in recent years and can therefore increase supply chain resilience. For this reason, in this study, an attempt was made to better understand the impact of these technologies on equity by examining the dimensions and components of the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT)-based supply chain. Finally, using nonlinear fuzzy decision making method, the most important components of the impact on the resilient smart supply chain are determined. Understanding this assessment can help empower the smart supply chain.


  • This paper investigates how Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (AIoT) technologies can enhance the resilience of supply chains.

  • The study uses a quantitative methodology, employing nonlinear fuzzy decision-making techniques and data from FMCG industry experts to evaluate AIoT's impact.

  • Key findings highlight the critical role of transparency and predictive capabilities, enabled by AIoT, in improving supply chain resilience.

  • It proposes a novel framework for developing resilient supply chain strategies, emphasizing the strategic incorporation of AIoT for competitive advantage.

Evaluation of Resilient Supply Chain Through AIoT


The complexity of modern supply chains, exacerbated by factors such as globalization, dynamic market conditions, and the increasing pace of technological advancements, necessitates the development of resilient supply chain systems. A resilient supply chain is capable of anticipating, responding to, and recovering from disruptions while maintaining operational continuity. The integration of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT), collectively referred to as AIoT, has emerged as a pivotal element in enhancing the resilience of supply chains. This paper explores the impact of AIoT technologies on the resilience of supply chains through a comprehensive evaluation of its key dimensions and components.

Literature Review

The concept of supply chain resilience has been widely discussed across various disciplines, encompassing the ability of supply chain systems to preempt disruptions, respond effectively, and recover promptly. Emphasizing the transition from traditional to digitalized supply chains, the study highlights the role of AIoT technologies in fostering an environment of added predictability, control, and efficiency. The inherent capabilities of AIoT, such as real-time data analytics, enhanced visibility, and predictive insights, significantly contribute to the robustness and agility of supply chain operations.

Research Methodology

Employing a quantitative approach, the study leverages nonlinear fuzzy decision-making techniques to analyze the influence of AIoT on supply chain resilience. Data was collected from experts within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries through structured questionnaires. The Cronbach's alpha method was utilized to ensure the reliability of the responses, followed by a comprehensive analysis using the LINGO software to prioritize the impact of AIoT technologies on supply chain resilience.

Research Findings

The findings underscore the importance of transparency and predictive capabilities as the most significant dimensions influencing the resilience of AIoT-enabled supply chains. Specifically, the ability to provide real-time visibility across the supply chain and the power of predictive analytics to foresee and mitigate potential disruptions were identified as key contributors to enhancing supply chain resilience. Furthermore, the study presents a novel framework, centered on the integration of AIoT technologies, to guide the development of resilient supply chain strategies.


This paper delineates the transformative role of AIoT in redefining the paradigms of supply chain resilience. Unlike traditional supply chains, where the focus primarily lies on cost minimization and efficiency, AIoT-driven supply chains prioritize agility, adaptability, and responsiveness to disruptions. The findings advocate for the strategic incorporation of AIoT technologies in supply chain operations to secure a competitive advantage while ensuring sustainability and resilience in the face of dynamic market challenges. Future research is encouraged to explore the scalability of AIoT applications across various industries and to assess the long-term implications of digital transformation on supply chain resilience.


The study references pivotal works in the realm of supply chain resilience and AIoT technologies, including seminal papers by renowned researchers and practical insights from industry practices. These contributions underscore the multifaceted impact of digitalization on supply chain dynamics and offer a foundation for ongoing exploration into the nexus of AI, IoT, and supply chain management.

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