Emergent Mind

A Linter for Isabelle: Implementation and Evaluation

Published Jul 21, 2022 in cs.LO


In interactive theorem proving, formalization quality is a key factor for maintainability and re-usability of developments and can also impact proof-checking performance. Commonly, anti-patterns that cause quality issues are known to experienced users. However, in many theorem prover systems, there are no automatic tools to check for their presence and make less experienced users aware of them. We attempt to fill this gap in the Isabelle environment by developing a linter as a publicly available add-on component. The linter offers basic configurability, extensibility, Isabelle/jEdit integration, and a standalone command-line tool. We uncovered 480 potential problems in Isabelle/HOL, 14016 in other formalizations of the Isabelle distribution, and an astonishing 59573 in the AFP. With a specific lint bundle for AFP submissions, we found that submission guidelines were violated in 1595 cases. We set out to alleviate problems in Isabelle/HOL and solved 168 of them so far; we found that high-severity lints corresponded to actual problems most of the time, individual users often made the same mistakes in many places, and that solving those problems retrospectively amounts to a substantial amount of work. In contrast, solving these problems interactively for new developments usually incurs only little overhead, as we found in a quantitative user survey with 22 participants (less than a minute for more than 60% of participants). We also found that a good explanation of problems is key to the users' ease of solving these problems (correlation coefficient 0.48), and their satisfaction with the end result (correlation coefficient 0.62).

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