Emergent Mind

Revealing Secrets From Pre-trained Models

Published Jul 19, 2022 in cs.CR and cs.LG


With the growing burden of training deep learning models with large data sets, transfer-learning has been widely adopted in many emerging deep learning algorithms. Transformer models such as BERT are the main player in natural language processing and use transfer-learning as a de facto standard training method. A few big data companies release pre-trained models that are trained with a few popular datasets with which end users and researchers fine-tune the model with their own datasets. Transfer-learning significantly reduces the time and effort of training models. However, it comes at the cost of security concerns. In this paper, we show a new observation that pre-trained models and fine-tuned models have significantly high similarities in weight values. Also, we demonstrate that there exist vendor-specific computing patterns even for the same models. With these new findings, we propose a new model extraction attack that reveals the model architecture and the pre-trained model used by the black-box victim model with vendor-specific computing patterns and then estimates the entire model weights based on the weight value similarities between the fine-tuned model and pre-trained model. We also show that the weight similarity can be leveraged for increasing the model extraction feasibility through a novel weight extraction pruning.

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