Emergent Mind

Polynomial Threshold Functions for Decision Lists

Published Jul 19, 2022 in cs.CC


For $S \subseteq {0,1}n$ a Boolean function $f \colon S \to {-1,1}$ is a polynomial threshold function (PTF) of degree $d$ and weight $W$ if there is a polynomial $p$ with integer coefficients of degree $d$ and with sum of absolute coefficients $W$ such that $f(x) = \text{sign}(p(x))$ for all $x \in S$. We study a representation of decision lists as PTFs over Boolean cubes ${0,1}n$ and over Hamming balls ${0,1}{n}_{\leq k}$. As our first result, we show that for all $d = O\left( \left( \frac{n}{\log n}\right){1/3}\right)$ any decision list over ${0,1}n$ can be represented by a PTF of degree $d$ and weight $2{O(n/d2)}$. This improves the result by Klivans and Servedio [Klivans, Servedio, 2006] by a $\log2 d$ factor in the exponent of the weight. Our bound is tight for all $d = O\left( \left( \frac{n}{\log n}\right){1/3}\right)$ due to the matching lower bound by Beigel [Beigel, 1994]. For decision lists over a Hamming ball ${0,1}n_{\leq k}$ we show that the upper bound on weight above can be drastically improved to $n{O(\sqrt{k})}$ for $d = \Theta(\sqrt{k})$. We also show that similar improvement is not possible for smaller degrees by proving the lower bound $W = 2{\Omega(n/d2)}$ for all $d = O(\sqrt{k})$. \end{abstract}

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