Emergent Mind

Algorithms for the Euclidean Bipartite Edge Cover Problem

Published Jul 19, 2022 in cs.DM and cs.CG


Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ with costs on its edges, the minimum-cost edge cover problem consists of finding a subset of $E$ covering all vertices in $V$ at minimum cost. If $G$ is bipartite, this problem can be solved in time $O(|V|3)$ via a well-known reduction to a maximum-cost matching problem on $G$. If in addition $V$ is a set of points on the Euclidean line, Collanino et al. showed that the problem can be solved in time $O(|V| \log |V|)$ and asked whether it can be solved in time $o(|V|3)$ if $V$ is a set of points on the Euclidean plane. We answer this in the affirmative, giving an $O(|V|{2.5} \log |V|)$ algorithm based on the Hungarian method using weighted Voronoi diagrams. We also propose some 2-approximation algorithms and give experimental results of our implementations.

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