Emergent Mind

Curve Simplification and Clustering under Fréchet Distance

Published Jul 16, 2022 in cs.CG and cs.DS


We present new approximation results on curve simplification and clustering under Fr\'echet distance. Let $T = {\taui : i \in [n] }$ be polygonal curves in $Rd$ of $m$ vertices each. Let $l$ be any integer from $[m]$. We study a generalized curve simplification problem: given error bounds $\deltai > 0$ for $i \in [n]$, find a curve $\sigma$ of at most $l$ vertices such that $dF(\sigma,\taui) \le \deltai$ for $i \in [n]$. We present an algorithm that returns a null output or a curve $\sigma$ of at most $l$ vertices such that $dF(\sigma,\taui) \le \deltai + \epsilon\delta{\max}$ for $i \in [n]$, where $\delta{\max} = \max{i \in [n]} \deltai$. If the output is null, there is no curve of at most $l$ vertices within a Fr\'echet distance of $\deltai$ from $\taui$ for $i \in [n]$. The running time is $\tilde{O}\bigl(n{O(l)} m{O(l2)} (dl/\epsilon){O(dl)}\bigr)$. This algorithm yields the first polynomial-time bicriteria approximation scheme to simplify a curve $\tau$ to another curve $\sigma$, where the vertices of $\sigma$ can be anywhere in $Rd$, so that $dF(\sigma,\tau) \le (1+\epsilon)\delta$ and $|\sigma| \le (1+\alpha) \min{|c| : dF(c,\tau) \le \delta}$ for any given $\delta > 0$ and any fixed $\alpha, \epsilon \in (0,1)$. The running time is $\tilde{O}\bigl(m{O(1/\alpha)} (d/(\alpha\epsilon)){O(d/\alpha)}\bigr)$. By combining our technique with some previous results in the literature, we obtain an approximation algorithm for $(k,l)$-median clustering. Given $T$, it computes a set $\Sigma$ of $k$ curves, each of $l$ vertices, such that $\sum{i \in [n]} \min{\sigma \in \Sigma} dF(\sigma,\taui)$ is within a factor $1+\epsilon$ of the optimum with probability at least $1-\mu$ for any given $\mu, \epsilon \in (0,1)$. The running time is $\tilde{O}\bigl(n m{O(kl2)} \mu{-O(kl)} (dkl/\epsilon){O((dkl/\epsilon)\log(1/\mu))}\bigr)$.

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