Emergent Mind

First Order Logic and Twin-Width in Tournaments and Dense Oriented Graphs

Published Jul 15, 2022 in cs.LO , cs.DM , and math.CO


We characterise the classes of tournaments with tractable first-order model checking. For every hereditary class of tournaments $\mathcal T$, first-order model checking either is fixed parameter tractable, or is AW$[*]$-hard. This dichotomy coincides with the fact that $\mathcal T$ has either bounded or unbounded twin-width, and that the growth of $\mathcal T$ is either at most exponential or at least factorial. From the model-theoretic point of view, we show that NIP classes of tournaments coincide with bounded twin-width. Twin-width is also characterised by three infinite families of obstructions: $\mathcal T$ has bounded twin-width if and only if it excludes one tournament from each family. This generalises results of Bonnet et al. on ordered graphs. The key for these results is a polynomial time algorithm which takes as input a tournament $T$ and compute a linear order $<$ on $V(T)$ such that the twin-width of the birelation $(T,<)$ is at most some function of the twin-width of $T$. Since approximating twin-width can be done in polynomial time for an ordered structure $(T,<)$, this provides a polytime approximation of twin-width for tournaments. Our results extend to oriented graphs with stable sets of bounded size, which may also be augmented by arbitrary binary relations.

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