Emergent Mind


Software programming requires both API reference (know-what) knowledge and programming task (know-how) knowledge. Lots of programming know-what and know-how knowledge is documented in text, for example, API reference documentation and programming tutorials. To improve knowledge accessibility and usage, several recent studies use NLP methods to construct API know-what knowledge graph (API-KG) and programming task know-how knowledge graph (Task-KG) from software documentation. Although being promising, current API-KG and Task-KG are independent of each other, and thus are void of inherent connections between the two types of knowledge. Our empirical study on Stack Overflow questions confirms that only 36% of the API usage problems can be answered by the know-how or the know-what knowledge alone, while the rest questions require a fusion of both. Inspired by this observation, we make the first attempt to fuse API-KG and Task-KG by API entity linking. This fusion creates nine categories of API semantic relations and two types of task semantic relations which are not present in the stand-alone API-KG or Task-KG. According to the definitions of these new API and task semantic relations, our approach dives deeper than the surface-level API linking of API-KG and Task-KG, and infers nine categories of API semantic relations from task descriptions and two types of task semantic relations with the assistance of API-KG, which enrich the declaration or syntactic relations in the current API-KG and Task-KG. Our fused and semantically-enriched API-Task KG supports coherent API/Task-centric knowledge search by text or code queries.

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