Emergent Mind

FedPseudo: Pseudo value-based Deep Learning Models for Federated Survival Analysis

Published Jul 12, 2022 in cs.LG and stat.ME


Survival analysis, time-to-event analysis, is an important problem in healthcare since it has a wide-ranging impact on patients and palliative care. Many survival analysis methods have assumed that the survival data is centrally available either from one medical center or by data sharing from multi-centers. However, the sensitivity of the patient attributes and the strict privacy laws have increasingly forbidden sharing of healthcare data. To address this challenge, the research community has looked at the solution of decentralized training and sharing of model parameters using the Federated Learning (FL) paradigm. In this paper, we study the utilization of FL for performing survival analysis on distributed healthcare datasets. Recently, the popular Cox proportional hazard (CPH) models have been adapted for FL settings; however, due to its linearity and proportional hazards assumptions, CPH models result in suboptimal performance, especially for non-linear, non-iid, and heavily censored survival datasets. To overcome the challenges of existing federated survival analysis methods, we leverage the predictive accuracy of the deep learning models and the power of pseudo values to propose a first-of-its-kind, pseudo value-based deep learning model for federated survival analysis (FSA) called FedPseudo. Furthermore, we introduce a novel approach of deriving pseudo values for survival probability in the FL settings that speeds up the computation of pseudo values. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our pseudo valued-based FL framework achieves similar performance as the best centrally trained deep survival analysis model. Moreover, our proposed FL approach obtains the best results for various censoring settings.

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