Emergent Mind


Authorship of scientific articles has profoundly changed from early science until now. While once upon a time a paper was authored by a handful of authors, scientific collaborations are much more prominent on average nowadays. As authorship (and citation) is essentially the primary reward mechanism according to the traditional research evaluation frameworks, it turned out to be a rather hot-button topic from which a significant portion of academic disputes stems. However, the novel Open Science practices could be an opportunity to disrupt such dynamics and diversify the credit of the different scientific contributors involved in the diverse phases of the lifecycle of the same research effort. In fact, a paper and research data (or software) contextually published could exhibit different authorship to give credit to the various contributors right where it feels most appropriate. As a preliminary study, in this paper, we leverage the wealth of information contained in Open Science Graphs, such as OpenAIRE, and conduct a focused analysis on a subset of publications with supplementary material drawn from the European Marine Science (MES) research community. The results are promising and suggest our hypothesis is worth exploring further as we registered in 22% of the cases substantial variations between the authors participating in the publication and the authors participating in the supplementary dataset (or software), thus posing the premises for a longitudinal, large-scale analysis of the phenomenon.

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