Emergent Mind

Learning Hierarchical Structure of Clusterable Graphs

Published Jul 6, 2022 in cs.DS


We consider the problem of learning the hierarchical cluster structure of graphs in the seeded model, where besides the input graph the algorithm is provided with a small number of `seeds', i.e. correctly clustered data points. In particular, we ask whether one can approximate the Dasgupta cost of a graph, a popular measure of hierarchical clusterability, in sublinear time and using a small number of seeds. Our main result is an $O(\sqrt{\log k})$ approximation to Dasgupta cost of $G$ in $\approx \text{poly}(k)\cdot n{1/2+O(\epsilon)}$ time using $\approx \text{poly}(k)\cdot n{O(\epsilon)}$ seeds, effectively giving a sublinear time simulation of the algorithm of Charikar and Chatziafratis[SODA'17] on clusterable graphs. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first result on approximating the hierarchical clustering properties of such graphs in sublinear time.

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