Emergent Mind

Rethinking Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

Published Jun 30, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) adapts a model trained on one domain (called source) to a novel domain (called target) using only unlabeled data. Due to its high annotation cost, researchers have developed many UDA methods for semantic segmentation, which assume no labeled sample is available in the target domain. We question the practicality of this assumption for two reasons. First, after training a model with a UDA method, we must somehow verify the model before deployment. Second, UDA methods have at least a few hyper-parameters that need to be determined. The surest solution to these is to evaluate the model using validation data, i.e., a certain amount of labeled target-domain samples. This question about the basic assumption of UDA leads us to rethink UDA from a data-centric point of view. Specifically, we assume we have access to a minimum level of labeled data. Then, we ask how much is necessary to find good hyper-parameters of existing UDA methods. We then consider what if we use the same data for supervised training of the same model, e.g., finetuning. We conducted experiments to answer these questions with popular scenarios, {GTA5, SYNTHIA}$\rightarrow$Cityscapes. We found that i) choosing good hyper-parameters needs only a few labeled images for some UDA methods whereas a lot more for others; and ii) simple finetuning works surprisingly well; it outperforms many UDA methods if only several dozens of labeled images are available.

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