Emergent Mind

R-MelNet: Reduced Mel-Spectral Modeling for Neural TTS

Published Jun 30, 2022 in cs.SD , cs.LG , and eess.AS


This paper introduces R-MelNet, a two-part autoregressive architecture with a frontend based on the first tier of MelNet and a backend WaveRNN-style audio decoder for neural text-to-speech synthesis. Taking as input a mixed sequence of characters and phonemes, with an optional audio priming sequence, this model produces low-resolution mel-spectral features which are interpolated and used by a WaveRNN decoder to produce an audio waveform. Coupled with half precision training, R-MelNet uses under 11 gigabytes of GPU memory on a single commodity GPU (NVIDIA 2080Ti). We detail a number of critical implementation details for stable half precision training, including an approximate, numerically stable mixture of logistics attention. Using a stochastic, multi-sample per step inference scheme, the resulting model generates highly varied audio, while enabling text and audio based controls to modify output waveforms. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of an R-MelNet system trained on a single speaker TTS dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

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