Emergent Mind


The paper introduces a novel representation for Generalized Planning (GP) problems, and their solutions, as C++ programs. Our C++ representation allows to formally proving the termination of generalized plans, and to specifying their asymptotic complexity w.r.t. the number of world objects. Characterizing the complexity of C++ generalized plans enables the application of a combinatorial search that enumerates the space of possible GP solutions in order of complexity. Experimental results show that our implementation of this approach, which we call BFGP++, outperforms the previous GP as heuristic search approach for the computation of generalized plans represented as compiler-styled programs. Last but not least, the execution of a C++ program on a classical planning instance is a deterministic grounding-free and search-free process, so our C++ representation allows us to automatically validate the computed solutions on large test instances of thousands of objects, where off-the-shelf classical planners get stuck either in the pre-processing or in the search.

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