Emergent Mind


We propose an approach to extract speaker embeddings that are robust to speaking style variations in text-independent speaker verification. Typically, speaker embedding extraction includes training a DNN for speaker classification and using the bottleneck features as speaker representations. Such a network has a pooling layer to transform frame-level to utterance-level features by calculating statistics over all utterance frames, with equal weighting. However, self-attentive embeddings perform weighted pooling such that the weights correspond to the importance of the frames in a speaker classification task. Entropy can capture acoustic variability due to speaking style variations. Hence, an entropy-based variable frame rate vector is proposed as an external conditioning vector for the self-attention layer to provide the network with information that can address style effects. This work explores five different approaches to conditioning. The best conditioning approach, concatenation with gating, provided statistically significant improvements over the x-vector baseline in 12/23 tasks and was the same as the baseline in 11/23 tasks when using the UCLA speaker variability database. It also significantly outperformed self-attention without conditioning in 9/23 tasks and was worse in 1/23. The method also showed significant improvements in multi-speaker scenarios of SITW.

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