Emergent Mind

Sound Model Factory: An Integrated System Architecture for Generative Audio Modelling

Published Jun 27, 2022 in cs.SD , cs.NE , and eess.AS


We introduce a new system for data-driven audio sound model design built around two different neural network architectures, a Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), that takes advantage of the unique characteristics of each to achieve the system objectives that neither is capable of addressing alone. The objective of the system is to generate interactively controllable sound models given (a) a range of sounds the model should be able to synthesize, and (b) a specification of the parametric controls for navigating that space of sounds. The range of sounds is defined by a dataset provided by the designer, while the means of navigation is defined by a combination of data labels and the selection of a sub-manifold from the latent space learned by the GAN. Our proposed system takes advantage of the rich latent space of a GAN that consists of sounds that fill out the spaces ''between" real data-like sounds. This augmented data from the GAN is then used to train an RNN for its ability to respond immediately and continuously to parameter changes and to generate audio over unlimited periods of time. Furthermore, we develop a self-organizing map technique for ``smoothing" the latent space of GAN that results in perceptually smooth interpolation between audio timbres. We validate this process through user studies. The system contributes advances to the state of the art for generative sound model design that include system configuration and components for improving interpolation and the expansion of audio modeling capabilities beyond musical pitch and percussive instrument sounds into the more complex space of audio textures.

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