Emergent Mind

CoSP: Co-supervised pretraining of pocket and ligand

Published Jun 23, 2022 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Can we inject the pocket-ligand interaction knowledge into the pre-trained model and jointly learn their chemical space? Pretraining molecules and proteins has attracted considerable attention in recent years, while most of these approaches focus on learning one of the chemical spaces and lack the injection of biological knowledge. We propose a co-supervised pretraining (CoSP) framework to simultaneously learn 3D pocket and ligand representations. We use a gated geometric message passing layer to model both 3D pockets and ligands, where each node's chemical features, geometric position and orientation are considered. To learn biological meaningful embeddings, we inject the pocket-ligand interaction knowledge into the pretraining model via contrastive loss. Considering the specificity of molecules, we further propose a chemical similarity-enhanced negative sampling strategy to improve the contrastive learning performance. Through extensive experiments, we conclude that CoSP can achieve competitive results in pocket matching, molecule property predictions, and virtual screening.

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