Emergent Mind

Shuffle Gaussian Mechanism for Differential Privacy

Published Jun 20, 2022 in cs.CR , cs.LG , and stat.ML


We study Gaussian mechanism in the shuffle model of differential privacy (DP). Particularly, we characterize the mechanism's R\'enyi differential privacy (RDP), showing that it is of the form: $$ \epsilon(\lambda) \leq \frac{1}{\lambda-1}\log\left(\frac{e{-\lambda/2\sigma2}}{n\lambda} \sum{\substack{k1+\dotsc+kn = \lambda; \k1,\dotsc,kn\geq 0}}\binom{\lambda}{k1,\dotsc,kn}e{\sum{i=1}nk_i2/2\sigma2}\right) $$ We further prove that the RDP is strictly upper-bounded by the Gaussian RDP without shuffling. The shuffle Gaussian RDP is advantageous in composing multiple DP mechanisms, where we demonstrate its improvement over the state-of-the-art approximate DP composition theorems in privacy guarantees of the shuffle model. Moreover, we extend our study to the subsampled shuffle mechanism and the recently proposed shuffled check-in mechanism, which are protocols geared towards distributed/federated learning. Finally, an empirical study of these mechanisms is given to demonstrate the efficacy of employing shuffle Gaussian mechanism under the distributed learning framework to guarantee rigorous user privacy.

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