Emergent Mind

Capturing and Inferring Dense Full-Body Human-Scene Contact

Published Jun 20, 2022 in cs.CV


Inferring human-scene contact (HSC) is the first step toward understanding how humans interact with their surroundings. While detecting 2D human-object interaction (HOI) and reconstructing 3D human pose and shape (HPS) have enjoyed significant progress, reasoning about 3D human-scene contact from a single image is still challenging. Existing HSC detection methods consider only a few types of predefined contact, often reduce body and scene to a small number of primitives, and even overlook image evidence. To predict human-scene contact from a single image, we address the limitations above from both data and algorithmic perspectives. We capture a new dataset called RICH for "Real scenes, Interaction, Contact and Humans." RICH contains multiview outdoor/indoor video sequences at 4K resolution, ground-truth 3D human bodies captured using markerless motion capture, 3D body scans, and high resolution 3D scene scans. A key feature of RICH is that it also contains accurate vertex-level contact labels on the body. Using RICH, we train a network that predicts dense body-scene contacts from a single RGB image. Our key insight is that regions in contact are always occluded so the network needs the ability to explore the whole image for evidence. We use a transformer to learn such non-local relationships and propose a new Body-Scene contact TRansfOrmer (BSTRO). Very few methods explore 3D contact; those that do focus on the feet only, detect foot contact as a post-processing step, or infer contact from body pose without looking at the scene. To our knowledge, BSTRO is the first method to directly estimate 3D body-scene contact from a single image. We demonstrate that BSTRO significantly outperforms the prior art. The code and dataset are available at https://rich.is.tue.mpg.de.

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