Emergent Mind


We propose Clustering Mask Transformer (CMT-DeepLab), a transformer-based framework for panoptic segmentation designed around clustering. It rethinks the existing transformer architectures used in segmentation and detection; CMT-DeepLab considers the object queries as cluster centers, which fill the role of grouping the pixels when applied to segmentation. The clustering is computed with an alternating procedure, by first assigning pixels to the clusters by their feature affinity, and then updating the cluster centers and pixel features. Together, these operations comprise the Clustering Mask Transformer (CMT) layer, which produces cross-attention that is denser and more consistent with the final segmentation task. CMT-DeepLab improves the performance over prior art significantly by 4.4% PQ, achieving a new state-of-the-art of 55.7% PQ on the COCO test-dev set.

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