Emergent Mind


This paper outlines a complete methodology for modeling an on-orbit servicing mission scenario and designing a feedback control system for the attitude dynamics that is guaranteed to robustly meet pointing requirements, despite model uncertainties as well as large inertia and flexibility changes throughout the mission scenario. A model of the uncertain plant was derived, which fully captures the dynamics and couplings between all subsystems as well as the decoupled/coupled configurations of the chaser/target system in a single linear fractional representation (LFR). In addition, a new approach is proposed to model and analyze a closed-loop kinematic chain formed by the chaser and the target spacecraft through the chaser's robotic arm, which uses two local spring-damper systems with uncertain damping and stiffness. This approach offers the possibility to model the dynamical behaviour of a docking mechanism with dynamic stiffness and damping. The controller was designed by taking into account all the interactions between subsystems and uncertainties as well as the time-varying and coupled flexible dynamics. Lastly, the robust stability and worst-case performances were assessed by means of a structured singular value analysis.

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