Emergent Mind

Visual Transformer for Object Detection

Published Jun 1, 2022 in cs.CV


Convolutional Neural networks (CNN) have been the first choice of paradigm in many computer vision applications. The convolution operation however has a significant weakness which is it only operates on a local neighborhood of pixels, thus it misses global information of the surrounding neighbors. Transformers, or Self-attention networks to be more specific, on the other hand, have emerged as a recent advance to capture long range interactions of the input, but they have mostly been applied to sequence modeling tasks such as Neural Machine Translation, Image captioning and other Natural Language Processing tasks. Transformers has been applied to natural language related tasks and achieved promising results. However, its applications in visual related tasks are far from being satisfying. Taking into consideration of both the weaknesses of Convolutional Neural Networks and those of the Transformers, in this paper, we consider the use of self-attention for discriminative visual tasks, object detection, as an alternative to convolutions. In this paper, we propose our model: DetTransNet. Extensive experiments show that our model leads to consistent improvements in object detection on COCO across many different models and scales, including ResNets, while keeping the number of parameters similar. In particular, our method achieves a 1.2% Average Precision improvement on COCO object detection task over other baseline models.

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