Emergent Mind


Even though query evaluation is a fundamental task in databases, known classifications of conjunctive queries by their fine-grained complexity only apply to queries without self-joins. We study how self-joins affect enumeration complexity, with the aim of building upon the known results to achieve general classifications. We do this by examining the extension of two known dichotomies: one with respect to linear delay, and one with respect to constant delay after linear preprocessing. As this turns out to be an intricate investigation, this paper is structured as an example-driven discussion that initiates this analysis. We show enumeration algorithms that rely on self-joins to efficiently evaluate queries that otherwise cannot be answered with the same guarantees. Due to these additional tractable cases, the hardness proofs are more complex than the self-join-free case. We show how to harness a known tagging technique to prove hardness of queries with self-joins. Our study offers sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for tractability and settles the cases of queries of low arity and queries with cyclic cores. Nevertheless, many cases remain open.

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