Emergent Mind

Efficient Human Pose Estimation via 3D Event Point Cloud

Published Jun 9, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.RO


Human Pose Estimation (HPE) based on RGB images has experienced a rapid development benefiting from deep learning. However, event-based HPE has not been fully studied, which remains great potential for applications in extreme scenes and efficiency-critical conditions. In this paper, we are the first to estimate 2D human pose directly from 3D event point cloud. We propose a novel representation of events, the rasterized event point cloud, aggregating events on the same position of a small time slice. It maintains the 3D features from multiple statistical cues and significantly reduces memory consumption and computation complexity, proved to be efficient in our work. We then leverage the rasterized event point cloud as input to three different backbones, PointNet, DGCNN, and Point Transformer, with two linear layer decoders to predict the location of human keypoints. We find that based on our method, PointNet achieves promising results with much faster speed, whereas Point Transfomer reaches much higher accuracy, even close to previous event-frame-based methods. A comprehensive set of results demonstrates that our proposed method is consistently effective for these 3D backbone models in event-driven human pose estimation. Our method based on PointNet with 2048 points input achieves 82.46mm in MPJPE3D on the DHP19 dataset, while only has a latency of 12.29ms on an NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX edge computing platform, which is ideally suitable for real-time detection with event cameras. Code is available at https://github.com/MasterHow/EventPointPose.

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