Emergent Mind


Weakly supervised multi-label classification (WSML) task, which is to learn a multi-label classification using partially observed labels per image, is becoming increasingly important due to its huge annotation cost. In this work, we first regard unobserved labels as negative labels, casting the WSML task into noisy multi-label classification. From this point of view, we empirically observe that memorization effect, which was first discovered in a noisy multi-class setting, also occurs in a multi-label setting. That is, the model first learns the representation of clean labels, and then starts memorizing noisy labels. Based on this finding, we propose novel methods for WSML which reject or correct the large loss samples to prevent model from memorizing the noisy label. Without heavy and complex components, our proposed methods outperform previous state-of-the-art WSML methods on several partial label settings including Pascal VOC 2012, MS COCO, NUSWIDE, CUB, and OpenImages V3 datasets. Various analysis also show that our methodology actually works well, validating that treating large loss properly matters in a weakly supervised multi-label classification. Our code is available at https://github.com/snucml/LargeLossMatters.

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