Emergent Mind

Robust Sparse Mean Estimation via Sum of Squares

Published Jun 7, 2022 in cs.DS , cs.LG , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


We study the problem of high-dimensional sparse mean estimation in the presence of an $\epsilon$-fraction of adversarial outliers. Prior work obtained sample and computationally efficient algorithms for this task for identity-covariance subgaussian distributions. In this work, we develop the first efficient algorithms for robust sparse mean estimation without a priori knowledge of the covariance. For distributions on $\mathbb Rd$ with "certifiably bounded" $t$-th moments and sufficiently light tails, our algorithm achieves error of $O(\epsilon{1-1/t})$ with sample complexity $m = (k\log(d)){O(t)}/\epsilon{2-2/t}$. For the special case of the Gaussian distribution, our algorithm achieves near-optimal error of $\tilde O(\epsilon)$ with sample complexity $m = O(k4 \mathrm{polylog}(d))/\epsilon2$. Our algorithms follow the Sum-of-Squares based, proofs to algorithms approach. We complement our upper bounds with Statistical Query and low-degree polynomial testing lower bounds, providing evidence that the sample-time-error tradeoffs achieved by our algorithms are qualitatively the best possible.

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