Emergent Mind

Formal Specifications from Natural Language

Published Jun 4, 2022 in cs.SE , cs.LG , and cs.PL


We study the generalization abilities of language models when translating natural language into formal specifications with complex semantics. In particular, we fine-tune language models on three datasets consisting of English sentences and their corresponding formal representation: 1) regular expressions (regex), frequently used in programming and search; 2) First-order logic (FOL), commonly used in software verification and theorem proving; and 3) linear-time temporal logic (LTL), which forms the basis for industrial hardware specification languages. Our experiments show that, in these diverse domains, the language models maintain their generalization capabilities from pre-trained knowledge of natural language to generalize, e.g., to new variable names or operator descriptions. Additionally, they achieve competitive performance, and even outperform the state-of-the-art for translating into regular expressions, with the benefits of being easy to access, efficient to fine-tune, and without a particular need for domain-specific reasoning.

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