Emergent Mind

B2T Connection: Serving Stability and Performance in Deep Transformers

Published Jun 1, 2022 in cs.LG and cs.CL


From the perspective of the layer normalization (LN) positions, the architectures of Transformers can be categorized into two types: Post-LN and Pre-LN. Recent Transformers tend to be Pre-LN because, in Post-LN with deep Transformers (e.g., those with ten or more layers), the training is often unstable, resulting in useless models. However, Post-LN has consistently achieved better performance than Pre-LN in relatively shallow Transformers (e.g., those with six or fewer layers). This study first investigates the reason for these discrepant observations empirically and theoretically and made the following discoveries: 1, the LN in Post-LN is the main source of the vanishing gradient problem that leads to unstable training, whereas Pre-LN prevents it, and 2, Post-LN tends to preserve larger gradient norms in higher layers during the back-propagation, which may lead to effective training. Exploiting the new findings, we propose a method that can provide both high stability and effective training by a simple modification of Post-LN. We conduct experiments on a wide range of text generation tasks. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms Pre-LN, and enables stable training regardless of the shallow or deep layer settings. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/takase/b2t_connection.

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