Emergent Mind

Mitigating Dataset Bias by Using Per-sample Gradient

Published May 31, 2022 in cs.LG


The performance of deep neural networks is strongly influenced by the training dataset setup. In particular, when attributes having a strong correlation with the target attribute are present, the trained model can provide unintended prejudgments and show significant inference errors (i.e., the dataset bias problem). Various methods have been proposed to mitigate dataset bias, and their emphasis is on weakly correlated samples, called bias-conflicting samples. These methods are based on explicit bias labels involving human or empirical correlation metrics (e.g., training loss). However, such metrics require human costs or have insufficient theoretical explanation. In this study, we propose a debiasing algorithm, called PGD (Per-sample Gradient-based Debiasing), that comprises three steps: (1) training a model on uniform batch sampling, (2) setting the importance of each sample in proportion to the norm of the sample gradient, and (3) training the model using importance-batch sampling, whose probability is obtained in step (2). Compared with existing baselines for various synthetic and real-world datasets, the proposed method showed state-of-the-art accuracy for a the classification task. Furthermore, we describe theoretical understandings about how PGD can mitigate dataset bias.

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