Emergent Mind


In the $k$-edge-connected spanning subgraph ($k$ECSS) problem, our goal is to compute a minimum-cost sub-network that is resilient against up to $k$ link failures: Given an $n$-node $m$-edge graph with a cost function on the edges, our goal is to compute a minimum-cost $k$-edge-connected spanning subgraph. This NP-hard problem generalizes the minimum spanning tree problem and is the "uniform case" of a much broader class of survival network design problems (SNDP). A factor of two has remained the best approximation ratio for polynomial-time algorithms for the whole class of SNDP, even for a special case of $2$ECSS. The fastest $2$-approximation algorithm is however rather slow, taking $O(mn k)$ time [Khuller, Vishkin, STOC'92]. A faster time complexity of $O(n2)$ can be obtained, but with a higher approximation guarantee of $(2k-1)$ [Gabow, Goemans, Williamson, IPCO'93]. Our main contribution is an algorithm that $(1+\epsilon)$-approximates the optimal fractional solution in $\tilde O(m/\epsilon2)$ time (independent of $k$), which can be turned into a $(2+\epsilon)$ approximation algorithm that runs in time $\tilde O\left(\frac{m}{\epsilon2} + \frac{k2n{1.5}}{\epsilon2}\right)$ for (integral) $k$ECSS; this improves the running time of the aforementioned results while keeping the approximation ratio arbitrarily close to a factor of two.

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