Emergent Mind


Random Forests (RFs) are widely used Machine Learning models in low-power embedded devices, due to their hardware friendly operation and high accuracy on practically relevant tasks. The accuracy of a RF often increases with the number of internal weak learners (decision trees), but at the cost of a proportional increase in inference latency and energy consumption. Such costs can be mitigated considering that, in most applications, inputs are not all equally difficult to classify. Therefore, a large RF is often necessary only for (few) hard inputs, and wasteful for easier ones. In this work, we propose an early-stopping mechanism for RFs, which terminates the inference as soon as a high-enough classification confidence is reached, reducing the number of weak learners executed for easy inputs. The early-stopping confidence threshold can be controlled at runtime, in order to favor either energy saving or accuracy. We apply our method to three different embedded classification tasks, on a single-core RISC-V microcontroller, achieving an energy reduction from 38% to more than 90% with a drop of less than 0.5% in accuracy. We also show that our approach outperforms previous adaptive ML methods for RFs.

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