Emergent Mind

PREF: Phasorial Embedding Fields for Compact Neural Representations

Published May 26, 2022 in cs.CV and cs.GR


We present an efficient frequency-based neural representation termed PREF: a shallow MLP augmented with a phasor volume that covers significant border spectra than previous Fourier feature mapping or Positional Encoding. At the core is our compact 3D phasor volume where frequencies distribute uniformly along a 2D plane and dilate along a 1D axis. To this end, we develop a tailored and efficient Fourier transform that combines both Fast Fourier transform and local interpolation to accelerate na\"ive Fourier mapping. We also introduce a Parsvel regularizer that stables frequency-based learning. In these ways, Our PREF reduces the costly MLP in the frequency-based representation, thereby significantly closing the efficiency gap between it and other hybrid representations, and improving its interpretability. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our PREF is able to capture high-frequency details while remaining compact and robust, including 2D image generalization, 3D signed distance function regression and 5D neural radiance field reconstruction.

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