Emergent Mind


We present new learning dynamics combining (independent) log-linear learning and value iteration for stochastic games within the auxiliary stage game framework. The dynamics presented provably attain the efficient equilibrium (also known as optimal equilibrium) in identical-interest stochastic games, beyond the recent concentration of progress on provable convergence to some (possibly inefficient) equilibrium. The dynamics are also independent in the sense that agents take actions consistent with their local viewpoint to a reasonable extent rather than seeking equilibrium. These aspects can be of practical interest in the control applications of intelligent and autonomous systems. The key challenges are the convergence to an inefficient equilibrium and the non-stationarity of the environment from a single agent's viewpoint due to the adaptation of others. The log-linear update plays an important role in addressing the former. We address the latter through the play-in-episodes scheme in which the agents update their Q-function estimates only at the end of the episodes.

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