Emergent Mind

Impartial Games: A Challenge for Reinforcement Learning

Published May 25, 2022 in cs.LG and cs.AI


While AlphaZero-style reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms excel in various board games, in this paper we show that they face challenges on impartial games where players share pieces. We present a concrete example of a game - namely the children's game of Nim - and other impartial games that seem to be a stumbling block for AlphaZero-style and similar self-play reinforcement learning algorithms. Our work is built on the challenges posed by the intricacies of data distribution on the ability of neural networks to learn parity functions, exacerbated by the noisy labels issue. Our findings are consistent with recent studies showing that AlphaZero-style algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial attacks and adversarial perturbations, showing the difficulty of learning to master the games in all legal states. We show that Nim can be learned on small boards, but the learning progress of AlphaZero-style algorithms dramatically slows down when the board size increases. Intuitively, the difference between impartial games like Nim and partisan games like Chess and Go can be explained by the fact that if a small part of the board is covered for impartial games it is typically not possible to predict whether the position is won or lost as there is often zero correlation between the visible part of a partly blanked-out position and its correct evaluation. This situation starkly contrasts partisan games where a partly blanked-out board position typically provides abundant or at least non-trifle information about the value of the fully uncovered position.

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