Emergent Mind

Investigating Information Inconsistency in Multilingual Open-Domain Question Answering

Published May 25, 2022 in cs.CL , cs.AI , cs.IR , and cs.LG


Retrieval based open-domain QA systems use retrieved documents and answer-span selection over retrieved documents to find best-answer candidates. We hypothesize that multilingual Question Answering (QA) systems are prone to information inconsistency when it comes to documents written in different languages, because these documents tend to provide a model with varying information about the same topic. To understand the effects of the biased availability of information and cultural influence, we analyze the behavior of multilingual open-domain question answering models with a focus on retrieval bias. We analyze if different retriever models present different passages given the same question in different languages on TyDi QA and XOR-TyDi QA, two multilingualQA datasets. We speculate that the content differences in documents across languages might reflect cultural divergences and/or social biases.

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