Emergent Mind


Along with the popularity of AI and Internet-of-Things (IoT), Federated Learning (FL) has attracted steadily increasing attentions as a promising distributed machine learning paradigm, which enables the training of a central model on for numerous decentralized devices without exposing their privacy. However, due to the biased data distributions on involved devices, FL inherently suffers from low classification accuracy in non-IID scenarios. Although various device grouping method have been proposed to address this problem, most of them neglect both i) distinct data distribution characteristics of heterogeneous devices, and ii) contributions and hazards of local models, which are extremely important in determining the quality of global model aggregation. In this paper, we present an effective FL method named FedEntropy with a novel dynamic device grouping scheme, which makes full use of the above two factors based on our proposed maximum entropy judgement heuristic.Unlike existing FL methods that directly aggregate local models returned from all the selected devices, in one FL round FedEntropy firstly makes a judgement based on the pre-collected soft labels of selected devices and then only aggregates the local models that can maximize the overall entropy of these soft labels. Without collecting local models that are harmful for aggregation, FedEntropy can effectively improve global model accuracy while reducing the overall communication overhead. Comprehensive experimental results on well-known benchmarks show that, FedEntropy not only outperforms state-of-the-art FL methods in terms of model accuracy and communication overhead, but also can be integrated into them to enhance their classification performance.

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