Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present an efficient deep learning based approach to extract technology-related topics and keywords within scientific literature, and identify corresponding technologies within patent applications. Specifically, we utilize transformer based language models, tailored for use with scientific text, to detect coherent topics over time and describe these by relevant keywords that are automatically extracted from a large text corpus. We identify these keywords using Named Entity Recognition, distinguishing between those describing methods, applications and other scientific terminology. We create a large amount of search queries based on combinations of method- and application-keywords, which we use to conduct semantic search and identify related patents. By doing so, we aim at contributing to the growing body of research on text-based technology mapping and forecasting that leverages latest advances in natural language processing and deep learning. We are able to map technologies identified in scientific literature to patent applications, thereby providing an empirical foundation for the study of science-technology linkages. We illustrate the workflow as well as results obtained by mapping publications within the field of neuroscience to related patent applications.

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