Emergent Mind


Spiking Neural Network (SNN), originating from the neural behavior in biology, has been recognized as one of the next-generation neural networks. Conventionally, SNNs can be obtained by converting from pre-trained Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by replacing the non-linear activation with spiking neurons without changing the parameters. In this work, we argue that simply copying and pasting the weights of ANN to SNN inevitably results in activation mismatch, especially for ANNs that are trained with batch normalization (BN) layers. To tackle the activation mismatch issue, we first provide a theoretical analysis by decomposing local conversion error to clipping error and flooring error, and then quantitatively measure how this error propagates throughout the layers using the second-order analysis. Motivated by the theoretical results, we propose a set of layer-wise parameter calibration algorithms, which adjusts the parameters to minimize the activation mismatch. Extensive experiments for the proposed algorithms are performed on modern architectures and large-scale tasks including ImageNet classification and MS COCO detection. We demonstrate that our method can handle the SNN conversion with batch normalization layers and effectively preserve the high accuracy even in 32 time steps. For example, our calibration algorithms can increase up to 65% accuracy when converting VGG-16 with BN layers.

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