Emergent Mind

Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

Published May 18, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.IT , eess.IV , and math.IT


Federated learning (FL) is a system in which a central aggregator coordinates the efforts of multiple clients to solve machine learning problems. This setting allows training data to be dispersed in order to protect privacy. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of FL systems with a focus on healthcare. FL is evaluated here based on its frameworks, architectures, and applications. It is shown here that FL solves the preceding issues with a shared global deep learning (DL) model via a central aggregator server. This paper examines recent developments and provides a comprehensive list of unresolved issues, inspired by the rapid growth of FL research. In the context of FL, several privacy methods are described, including secure multiparty computation, homomorphic encryption, differential privacy, and stochastic gradient descent. Furthermore, a review of various FL classes, such as horizontal and vertical FL and federated transfer learning, is provided. FL has applications in wireless communication, service recommendation, intelligent medical diagnosis systems, and healthcare, all of which are discussed in this paper. We also present a thorough review of existing FL challenges, such as privacy protection, communication cost, system heterogeneity, and unreliable model upload, followed by future research directions.

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