Emergent Mind

Cyber Risk Assessment for Capital Management

Published May 17, 2022 in q-fin.RM , cs.CR , and math.OC


Cyber risk is an omnipresent risk in the increasingly digitized world that is known to be difficult to manage. This paper proposes a two-pillar cyber risk management framework to address such difficulty. The first pillar, cyber risk assessment, blends the frequency-severity model in insurance with the cascade model in cybersecurity, to capture the unique feature of cyber risk. The second pillar, cyber capital management, provides informative decision-making on a balanced cyber risk management strategy, which includes cybersecurity investments, insurance coverage, and reserves. This framework is demonstrated by a case study based on a historical cyber incident dataset, which shows that a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis is necessary for a budget-constrained company with competing objectives for cyber risk management. Sensitivity analysis also illustrates that the best strategy depends on various factors, such as the amount of cybersecurity investments and the effectiveness of cybersecurity controls.

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