Emergent Mind

Moving Target Interception Considering Dynamic Environment

Published May 16, 2022 in cs.RO , cs.SY , and eess.SY


The interception of moving targets is a widely studied issue. In this paper, we propose an algorithm of intercepting the moving target with a wheeled mobile robot in a dynamic environment. We first predict the future position of the target through polynomial fitting. The algorithm then generates an interception trajectory with path and speed decoupling. We use Hybrid A* search to plan a path and optimize it via gradient decent method. To avoid the dynamic obstacles in the environment, we introduce ST graph for speed planning. The speed curve is represented by piecewise B\'ezier curves for further optimization. Compared with other interception algorithms, we consider a dynamic environment and plan a safety trajectory which satisfies the kinematic characteristics of the wheeled robot while ensuring the accuracy of interception. Simulation illustrates that the algorithm successfully achieves the interception tasks and has high computational efficiency.

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