Emergent Mind

Sparsity and $\ell_p$-Restricted Isometry

Published May 13, 2022 in cs.CC , cs.IT , and math.IT


A matrix $A$ is said to have the $\ellp$-Restricted Isometry Property ($\ellp$-RIP) if for all vectors $x$ of up to some sparsity $k$, $|{Ax}|p$ is roughly proportional to $|{x}|p$. We study this property for $m \times n$ matrices of rank proportional to $n$ and $k = \Theta(n)$. In this parameter regime, $\ellp$-RIP matrices are closely connected to Euclidean sections, and are "real analogs" of testing matrices for locally testable codes. It is known that with high probability, random dense $m\times n$ matrices (e.g., with i.i.d. $\pm 1$ entries) are $\ell2$-RIP with $k \approx m/\log n$, and sparse random matrices are $\ellp$-RIP for $p \in [1,2)$ when $k, m = \Theta(n)$. However, when $m = \Theta(n)$, sparse random matrices are known to not be $\ell2$-RIP with high probability. Against this backdrop, we show that sparse matrices cannot be $\ell2$-RIP in our parameter regime. On the other hand, for $p \neq 2$, we show that every $\ellp$-RIP matrix must be sparse. Thus, sparsity is incompatible with $\ell2$-RIP, but necessary for $\ellp$-RIP for $p \neq 2$. Under a suitable interpretation, our negative result about $\ell_2$-RIP gives an impossibility result for a certain continuous analog of "$c3$-LTCs": locally testable codes of constant rate, constant distance and constant locality that were constructed in recent breakthroughs.

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