Emergent Mind

A Polar Subcode Approach to Belief Propagation List Decoding

Published May 13, 2022 in cs.IT and math.IT


Permutation decoding gained recent interest as it can exploit the symmetries of a code in a parallel fashion. Moreover, it has been shown that by viewing permuted polar codes as polar subcodes, the set of usable permutations in permutation decoding can be increased. We extend this idea to pre-transformed polar codes, such as cyclic redundancy check (CRC)-aided polar codes, which previously could not be decoded using permutations due to their lack of automorphisms. Using belief propagation (BP)-based subdecoders, we showcase a performance close to CRC-aided SCL (CA-SCL) decoding. The proposed algorithm outperforms the previously best performing iterative CRC-aided belief propagation list (CA-BPL) decoder both in error-rate performance and decoding latency.

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