Emergent Mind


To participate in the Isometric Spoken Language Translation Task of the IWSLT 2022 evaluation, constrained condition, AppTek developed neural Transformer-based systems for English-to-German with various mechanisms of length control, ranging from source-side and target-side pseudo-tokens to encoding of remaining length in characters that replaces positional encoding. We further increased translation length compliance by sentence-level selection of length-compliant hypotheses from different system variants, as well as rescoring of N-best candidates from a single system. Length-compliant back-translated and forward-translated synthetic data, as well as other parallel data variants derived from the original MuST-C training corpus were important for a good quality/desired length trade-off. Our experimental results show that length compliance levels above 90% can be reached while minimizing losses in MT quality as measured in BERT and BLEU scores.

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