Emergent Mind

Practical application-specific advantage through hybrid quantum computing

Published May 10, 2022 in quant-ph , cs.AR , and cs.SE


Quantum computing promises to tackle technological and industrial problems insurmountable for classical computers. However, today's quantum computers still have limited demonstrable functionality, and it is expected that scaling up to millions of qubits is required for them to live up to this touted promise. The feasible route in achieving practical quantum advantage goals is to implement a hybrid operational mode that realizes the cohesion of quantum and classical computers. Here we present a hybrid quantum cloud based on a memory-centric and heterogeneous multiprocessing architecture, integrated into a high-performance computing data center grade environment. We demonstrate that utilizing the quantum cloud, our hybrid quantum algorithms including Quantum Encoding (QuEnc), Hybrid Quantum Neural Networks and Tensor Networks enable advantages in optimization, machine learning, and simulation fields. We show the advantage of hybrid algorithms compared to standard classical algorithms in both the computational speed and quality of the solution. The achieved advance in hybrid quantum hardware and software makes quantum computing useful in practice today.

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