Emergent Mind

Classical verification of quantum depth

Published May 10, 2022 in quant-ph , cs.CC , and cs.CR


We present two protocols for classical verification of quantum depth. Our protocols allow a purely classical verifier to distinguish devices with different quantum circuit depths even in the presence of classical computation. We show that a device with quantum circuit depth at most d will be rejected by the verifier even if the prover applies additional polynomial-time classical computation to cheat. On the other hand, the verifier accepts a device which has quantum circuit depth d' for some d'>d. In our first protocol, we introduce an additional untrusted quantum machine which shares entanglements with the target machine. Applying a robust self-test, our first protocol certifies the depth of the target machine with information theoretic security and nearly optimal separation. The protocol relies on the oracle separation problem for quantum depth by Chia, Chung and Lai [STOC 2020] and a transformation from an oracle separation problem to a two-player non-local game. Our second protocol certifies the quantum depth of a single device based on quantum hardness of learning with errors. The protocol relies on the noisy trapdoor claw-free function family and the idea of pointer chasing to force the prover to keep quantum coherence until all preceding message exchanges are completed. To our knowledge, we give the first constructions for distinguishing hybrid quantum-classical computers with different circuit depths in unrelativized models.

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