Emergent Mind

Towards Implementing Responsible AI

Published May 9, 2022 in cs.CY


As the deployment of AI is changing many fields and industries, there are concerns about AI systems making decisions and recommendations without adequately considering various ethical aspects, such as accountability, reliability, transparency, explainability, contestability, privacy, and fairness. While many sets of AI ethics principles have been recently proposed that acknowledge these concerns, such principles are high-level and do not provide tangible advice on how to develop ethical and responsible AI systems. To gain insight on the possible implementation of the principles, we conducted an empirical investigation involving semi-structured interviews with a cohort of AI practitioners. The salient findings cover four aspects of AI system design and development, adapting processes used in software engineering: (i) high-level view, (ii) requirements engineering, (iii) design and implementation, (iv) deployment and operation.

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