Emergent Mind


Enormous efforts have been recently made to super-resolve hyperspectral (HS) images with the aid of high spatial resolution multispectral (MS) images. Most prior works usually perform the fusion task by means of multifarious pixel-level priors. Yet the intrinsic effects of a large distribution gap between HS-MS data due to differences in the spatial and spectral resolution are less investigated. The gap might be caused by unknown sensor-specific properties or highly-mixed spectral information within one pixel (due to low spatial resolution). To this end, we propose a subpixel-level HS super-resolution framework by devising a novel decoupled-and-coupled network, called DC-Net, to progressively fuse HS-MS information from the pixel- to subpixel-level, from the image- to feature-level. As the name suggests, DC-Net first decouples the input into common (or cross-sensor) and sensor-specific components to eliminate the gap between HS-MS images before further fusion, and then fully blends them by a model-guided coupled spectral unmixing (CSU) net. More significantly, we append a self-supervised learning module behind the CSU net by guaranteeing the material consistency to enhance the detailed appearances of the restored HS product. Extensive experimental results show the superiority of our method both visually and quantitatively and achieve a significant improvement in comparison with the state-of-the-arts. Furthermore, the codes and datasets will be available at https://sites.google.com/view/danfeng-hong for the sake of reproducibility.

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