Emergent Mind

Computing treedepth in polynomial space and linear fpt time

Published May 5, 2022 in cs.DS


The treedepth of a graph $G$ is the least possible depth of an elimination forest of $G$: a rooted forest on the same vertex set where every pair of vertices adjacent in $G$ is bound by the ancestor/descendant relation. We propose an algorithm that given a graph $G$ and an integer $d$, either finds an elimination forest of $G$ of depth at most $d$ or concludes that no such forest exists; thus the algorithm decides whether the treedepth of $G$ is at most $d$. The running time is $2{O(d2)}\cdot n{O(1)}$ and the space usage is polynomial in $n$. Further, by allowing randomization, the time and space complexities can be improved to $2{O(d2)}\cdot n$ and $d{O(1)}\cdot n$, respectively. This improves upon the algorithm of Reidl et al. [ICALP 2014], which also has time complexity $2{O(d2)}\cdot n$, but uses exponential space.

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